Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Broke Millionaire

My name is Stefano Jean Joseph I was born March 27, 1985. At age of 4 years old my dad left his native country Haiti and travel to the United States in order to find a better life for him. During my infantry, life was not easy but yet my family and I make the best out of it.
As a young child I grew up in a house living with my mother, my aunt, my late grandfather and grandmother on my mother side, my sister and my uncle. The rooms were quite large enough and in one room there's two bed one for my aunt and the other also big to hold my mom, my sister and I.
Chapter one
My mother
My mother's name Myrtha and has her mom's (my grand-mother) last name Etienne. As far as i know my mom was and still is the peace maker of the family. Since my dad left when i was 4 years, got married to another women then travel to the USA; my mom had no real luck with man. And my grand-dad was not really helping because in Haiti a women with kids is considered as a dead end or i should say a women with no more future but to get started a candy business. My mom didn't get to that point. Yellow skin, shoulder lenght hair, educated and beautiful, my mom met this guy named Richard. A sale representative selling medical insurrance to individual, he was one of the kind of guy that at some point which he was my dad. Richard was born from the upper class what we call mulate (mu-li-te=the birth of a black women with a white man or vice versa) in French. He was very educated when to the best school of business in Haiti, he was popular, know a lot of high profile person in Haiti again one of his kind. He spoke different languages. The only issue he had was the fact he was addicted to alchool which make him drunk and uncontrollable at a point he became abusif and domesticly abusive to my mom. He was a hard worker wanted the best for us. Giving us the best of everything and all that when he is subber. But he drink, forget all the nice description above. My mom dated him for several years but they were in love. They couldnt stay together for long and not without each other for long.